Health centre De Nije Veste

Digital signage in multidisciplinary health centre

Health centre De Nije Veste

Digital signage in multidisciplinary health centre

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De Nije Veste Health Centre is a multidisciplinary health centre in Nijkerk. The centre already had screens, but the old system offered too few options. This led De Nije Veste to contact Wachtkamerschermen®.

Digital signage as a distraction

The primary goal of using digital signage is to distract visitors. Additionally, Wachtkamerschermen® provides the opportunity to display current information and news to visitors with background music. This creates a form of privacy, as whispered conversations between visitors are not easily overheard by others due to this ambient sound.

Current news and information about the health centre

The digital signage broadcasts at De Nije Veste include, besides current (health) news and weather forecasts, information about various matters within and around the health centre and in Nijkerk. The screens also introduce the different disciplines and explain what these healthcare providers offer.


According to the staff at De Nije Veste, the Wachtkamerschermen® are well-watched. They notice that an announcement on the screen about certain topics often leads to visitors picking up a leaflet or flyer from the stand in the central hall. Visitors also frequently ask for additional information after seeing a message on the screen.

De Nije Veste Health Centre, like Wachtkamerschermen®, actively focuses on customer satisfaction, and both parties prioritise listening to the customer. This shared conviction has contributed to a pleasant collaboration with mutual trust that will hopefully continue for many years!

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